Cancer Prevention and Healthy Living in Gay Men


Gotay, Carolyn; Reid, Michelle; Berisavac, Stacey; and Wasserfall, Tinus. (2014, October). Cancer Prevention and Healthy Living in Gay Men. Presented at the Gay Men's Health Summit, Vancouver, Canada. Based on their cancer risk profile, gay men are likely to bear a disproportionate cancer burden. The good news is that some cancers can be prevented and the risks for many others can be lowered considerably through lifestyle changes and cancer screening. This presentation will review what’s known about cancer rates and risk factors in gay men and will discuss prevention and screening programs targeted at gay men. Dr. Carolyn Gotay of UBC will provide an overview of the session and will discuss cancer rates, risk factors, and risk reduction in gay men. Stacey Berisavac of CCS will discuss a targeted cancer screening program. Michelle Reid will provide an overview of the emerging area of HPV-associated cancers and discuss prevention and screening. Dr. Tinus Wasserfall will discuss challenges for gay men in accessing health care services for cancer prevention and control. Dr. Gotay will conclude by briefly describing an upcoming research collaboration between UBC and CCS aimed at cancer prevention and screening in gay men.




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Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Cancer Prevention and Healthy Living in Gay Men
Cancer Prevention and Healthy Living in Gay Men
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